Wednesday, March 01, 2006

How technology is screwing my life! :(

Sorry folks, those of you who are hardcore techies. But I just realized that all those automated technologies have been screwing my life rather than making it easier.

Scene I:

A month back, I lost my mobile and the person who stole it has apparently been misusing it. To block that number I was required to produce a copy of the FIR, which I promptly did. The number was blocked, but the problem was in getting my replacement sim activated. After being misguided for n times by the customer care service of my service provider, I was finally asked to contact their nearest showroom. It was then that those guys discovered that they cant do anything either. Run back to the outlet where I got the sim. Now, they had this unintelligible software problem, about which they could do nothing. And they didn’t know who could do something about it or when the problem would be taken care of…. Two days of screaming at all those people.. I had to leave the city without my sim ever getting activated :(

Scene II

My prepaid card’s validity got over and I wanted an immediate recharge. In office for work, I thought I’d go in for the online recharge facility that my bank and the service provider jointly offered. So here I get a taste of the so-ezee online banking/recharge. The amount for recharge gets deducted from my bank account but My card has not been recharged even after 24 hours of parting with my money. When I went to the nearest dealer to register a complaint, all that they tell me is that nothing can be done about it until things are taken care of automatically. May be, they suggest, I should take another recharge card to receive calls until the previous one starts working.. What the ****?

Now one thing that I observed in both the situations is that nobody takes any responsibility. Afterall, the dealer is not responsible for ur sim not getting activated, nor is the customer care executive….. you cant blame them.. that’s unfair! So, who is responsible? Whom can you question? If technology is about disowning responsibility and cooking up excuses and having to put up with poor service, hell with it!

1 comment:

sathish said...

The problem is not with the techies.....but its with the attitude of the ppl u cannot blame techie for screwing u up!anyways lets hope india improves in professionalism as days go...nothing else to curse! :)