Thursday, March 09, 2006

Women's Day 2

Never have I been very particular about celebrating women's day. To me, every day is my own day, no matter how it goes. If it was a bad day, it is a 'my bad day', if it was good, it is a ' my good day' or atleast, ' my OK day'.The point is, they're all my days. So no specific day excites me just because its a women's day or anything else for that matter. This time around, I happened to be at TCS for my internship. There came an order that all women of the section have to wear saree or end up giving a treat to all the others. The saree idea being less scary of the two, I decided to comply with the order. But where do I go for one in this alien city? As me and my project mate kept hunting for one, my schoolmate came to our rescue. She happens to live in the same flat as that of my project mate and so, both of us managed to grab one each from her. A half hearted wake up in the morning, some clumsy attempts at tying the saree and some quick fixes later, we set off to the office hoping nothing horrible happened... Thankfully, nothing happened to embarass us. Anyways, it was fun, going around in saree at work ( no, not everyday.... that would be tough)

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