Thursday, June 22, 2006

Return to innocence

"..its not the beginning of the end. Its the return to your self, the return to innocence..........." I hear it over and over,and not once do I fail to be awestruck by the simple profundity of the statement. The return to our selves.... the return to innocence, is it even possible?

I close my eyes, I hear, I see, I feel ........ a lot has been taken, a lot destroyed, a lot made vulgar. Will we ever be able to undo all these? How will we ever return what we have taken, what we have destroyed? The more I try to think about it, the more it appears elusive. But for one fleeting moment, as I close my eyes, shut my ears and lock myself away from the madness, it seems real and possible. I feel the return. May be its coming.............. the return to innocence!


Φ said...

:) hmm innocence is nt age or can still steer towards it.. gud luc.

I guess everybdy has this urge 2 go back.. i had myself..see this

Bhuvana Murali said...

I didnt mean it in de 'age/ time' sense either........ More like unbecoming

Sandeep said...

I must admit... Your writing has a distinct poetic flavor; I'm really impressed!

But yes, Enigma sure does have a haunting feel to its music, ideal to fall asleep to. Maybe I should bring out my old CDs and listen to them again!

Nice post. Do keep writing.